
Training products

Our complementing set of training pieces guide ministry leaders from initial awareness to core training, fostering a solid understanding of essential principles and equipping leaders in ministering to survivors of trauma. We also provide ongoing follow-up and continuing education to encourage sustained trauma-responsive ministry.

1. Ministry Leader Awareness: a. Pastors’ Roundtables. 20-minute TED-style talk followed by facilitated discussion with pastors and ministry leaders about the impact of trauma and how ministers/ministries can help survivors find hope and healing. 
b. Introduction to Trauma Ministry.	1hr introductory training session offered as a breakout session in a conference setting or other training event. 

2. Pastor 
Training.	Trauma Basic Training for Pastors. 2-hr seminar or online education course to educate pastors on the impact trauma, trauma-responsive ministry practices, and missional approaches to caring for trauma survivors.
3. Church Training.	Trauma 101: Basic Training in Trauma Informed Ministry. Training on the basics of trauma-informed ministry, offered as an online course or as a half-day, 4-5 hr seminar. Designed for ministry leaders and church members to learn the fundamentals of in trauma-responsive ministry practices.
4. Ongoing Training. Follow-up training resources.	10-15 minute video-based training segments and refreshers with accompanying print resources including reflection/evaluation questions for churches to use in their staff meetings or other ongoing leader development.

Live trainings being scheduled now at various times and locations.

Plans are to make training available through an online education platform in Fall 2024.

To inquire about bringing training to your area, contact our director at